Tribal Home Visiting is a supportive service to Native families who are expecting and have children between the ages of 0-5 years. Home Visiting is for anyone who wants to learn what makes their baby do the things they do, learn about their child’s growth and development, grow their own skills when parenting gets hard, and learn how to be a better parent for their child. Services are delivered to families by a Home Visitor in a family’s home or other comfortable space. Tribal Home Visiting gives Native families a chance to succeed and thrive so children can grow healthy and happy. Check out more of our work in the video “Working with Heart: Tribal Home Visiting.”
What Services Does NAPPR Tribal Home Visiting Provide?
- Parenting Support and Skills
- Child Development Information
- Child Social and Emotional Development Information
- Prenatal and Postpartum Information
- Child and Caregiver Wellness Screenings
- Parent-Driven Child Activities
- Culturally-Enhanced Activities
- Assist in Overcoming Family Challenges
- Assistance in Achieving Family Goals
- Connection to Community Resources
- Socialization Events for Families
- Motivational Support
Who Qualifies for NAPPR Tribal Home Visiting?
- Native American families living in Bernalillo, Cibola and Sandoval counties.
- Native American families who are expecting and/or have a child between 0-3 years (family can remain in the program until the child’s 5th birthday).
- Caregivers who have legal custody such as a grandparent, sibling, family relative, or adoptive parent.
How Do You Get Started?
If you think you might be interested in our Tribal Home Visiting Program or would like to learn more, click the Get Started button , or call us at (505) 345-6289. The Tribal Home Visiting Program Manager will contact you within 5 business days.
This website is supported by Grant Number 90TH0080-02-00 from the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of NAPPR, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families.
Early Intervention is a home or community-based service that provides personalized support to your family and baby. We partner with you to help identify and answer the questions or concerns you may have about your child. Our team comes directly to you, to provide ideas, information, and support that fits into your family’s day to day routines and activities. All of our services are flexible, based on your family’s preferences, and completely FREE!
This responsive and supportive service is here to help your child if they may have special developmental needs, health concerns, or environmental risk. Some examples of infants we can support are; helping your infant or toddler with their talking, walking, and/or eating; or maybe they were born with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, have trouble hearing or seeing, or born early or having trouble gaining weight. We also provide supports to those who have had Children, Youth & Family Department (CYFD) involvement, history of drug use, mental illness or homelessness.
Anyone can make a referral to our Early Intervention program.
What Services Does NAPPR Early Intervention Provide?
- Personalized Family Service Coordination
- Comprehensive Child Developmental Evaluation
- Individualized Learning Experiences
- Special therapies include:
- Social Work,
- Music, Speech and Language,
- Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Home and Community Visits
- Parent-Driven Child Activities
- Parenting Support & Motivation
- Connection to Community Resources
- Assistance in Achieving Family Goals
Who Qualifies for NAPPR Early Intervention?
- Families living in Bernalillo, Sandoval, Cibola, Valencia, and Socorro counties.
- Infants/toddlers with an established condition such as cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, hearing loss, vision loss, etc.
- Infants/Toddlers who have or are at risk for a developmental delay or health concerns.
- Infants/toddlers with a medical risk such as prematurity (less than a 32 week gestation), low birth weight, chronic ear infections, cleft lip and palate etc.
How Do You Get Started?
If you think you might be interested in our Early Intervention Program or would like to learn more, click the Get Started button, or call us at (505) 345-6289. One of our Developmental Specialists will then come and meet with you to discuss your questions, concerns and gather some basic information to help us determine next steps.
NAPPR’s Early Head Start programs provide in-home visiting support services and child development services for infants and toddlers under age 3 and expectant mothers through two distinct programs, Home-Based and through its Early Head Start Center.
Under NAPPR’s Home-Based program, staff visit expectant mothers and families with infants and toddlers within Bernalillo and Sandoval counties. Using Creative Curriculum, the program provides educational activities, parenting resources, bimonthly socialization and much more. NAPPR staff also administer developmental screenings during 90-minute visits, which are provided to 48 families yearly free of charge.
Early Head Start Center
NAPPR’s Early Head Start Center located at 801 Girard NE in Albuquerque provides child development services for 24 children ages 12 months through 36 months. The child care center follows a 1-teacher-to-4-children ratio, and group sizes never exceed eight children in a classroom. The center is licensed through the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department and currently holds a two-star license. The Early Head Start Center is open year-around.
The Early Head Start program created in the Albuquerque area in March 2010 is more than an educational system — it is a comprehensive program incorporating school-readiness, health, nutrition and access to social services, all services and support to empower the families we serve. The program is dedicated to improving the lives of low-income families living in our community. We also encourage and promote transitional services and activities to prepare children and their families attending local Head Starts, child care centers, pre-k or public school.
How Do You Get Started
If you think you might be interested in our Early Head Start Program or would like to learn more, click the Get Started button, or call us at (505) 345-6289. One of our staff members will then come and meet with you to discuss your questions, concerns and gather some basic information to help us determine next steps.
This website is supported by Grant Number 06CH013017-01-00 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of NAPPR, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.
The Albuquerque Area Dental Support Center’s (AADSC) role is to provide support, guidance, training and enhancement to all of the Indian Health Service/Tribal/Urban dental programs within the Albuquerque Area as defined by the Indian Health Service (IHS). This Area includes New Mexico, southern Colorado, and El Paso, Texas. The AADSC serves 19 dental programs at 22 sites with approximately 180 related oral health personnel and administrators. The Albuquerque Area dental programs provide comprehensive dental services to Tribes and Urban Indian communities with a population of approximately 86,000 American Indian/Alaska Natives.
The AADSC is committed to working with Area dental programs to improve oral health of American Indian/Alaska Natives and document the positive change that occurs. The AADSC works to achieve the following overarching program goals:
- Provide support, guidance, training and enhancement of the Albuquerque Area dental programs
- See that the services of the AADSC and the Area dental programs result in measurable improvements in the oral health status of the American Indian/Alaska Native patients served
How Do You Get Started?
For more information on the Dental Support Center, please contact us 505-345-6289
Dental Clinics
- A-C-L Service Unit Dental Clinic 80 B Veterans Blvd. Acoma, NM 87034
- Alamo Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 5907 Alamo, NM 87825
- Albuquerque IHS Dental Clinic | 9169 Coors Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120
- Canoncito Health Clinic Dental Clinic | P.O. BOX 3528 Canoncito, NM 87026
- Cochiti Health Center Dental Clinic | 270 Windmill Road Cochiti Pueblo, NM 87072
- Jicarilla Service Unit Dental Clinic | PO Box 187 Dulce, NM 87528
- Isleta Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 580 Isleta, NM 87022
- Jemez Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 279 Jemez, NM 87024
- Kewa Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 340 Kewa Pueblo, NM 87052
- Mescalero Service Unit Dental Clinic | PO Box 210 Mescalero, NM 88340
- Pine Hill Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 310 Pine Hill, NM 87357
- San Felipe Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 4342 San Felipe, NM 87001
- Sandia Dental Clinic | 481 Sandia Loop Bernalillo, NM 87004
- Santa Clara Health Center Dental Clinic | 1700 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe, NM 87505
- Santa Fe Service Unit Dental Clinic | 1700 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe, NM 87505
- Ignacio Dental Clinic (Southern Ute) | PO Box 899 #82 Ignacio, CO 81137
- Taos/Picuris Health Center Dental Clinic | PO Box 1946 Taos, NM 87571
- Ute Mountain PHS Health Center Dental Clinic | 239 Rustling Willow Towaoc, CO 81334
- Ysleta Del Sur Service Unit Dental Clinic | 9314 Juanchido Lane El Paso, TX 79907
- Zia Health Center Dental Clinic | 155 Capital Square Drive Zia Pueblo, NM 87053
- Zuni Service Unit Dental Clinic | PO Box 467 Zuni, NM 87327